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Career Planning

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HR Matters

Find out what you are worth in any job/career by using this new app.  It covers thousands of jobs globally and is easy to use.

This is a voluminous collection of career stories of all types of jobs – professional and craft.  The site itself is geared toward teens and those just beginning to think about their direction.  This site is based in Canada but the information is relevant and worth checking out.  It’s easy to navigate yet doesn’t disappoint if you want to know who to get started on your journey.

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

This site has professional societies in many fields listed with their email and mailing addresses – nice!  The BLS provides data from the Department of Labor about the economy, including projections and regional information.  This information is helpful for high-schoolers planning majors and careers.

Rockport Institute

Design the perfect career matching your talents, personality, passions. We have already helped more than 14,000 people find their perfect-fit careers.

Rockport Institute has already helped more than 14,000 people find their perfect-fit careers. Nothing else compares to our game-changing innovations, our record of success, and our clients’ enthusiastic endorsements. For more than 30 years, Rockport has been advancing the state of the art in career design methodologies.

The Sloan Career Cornerstone Center

Explore careers in science, technology, math, computing, medicine.

The Sloan Career Cornerstone Center is an ever-expanding resource for anyone interested in exploring career opportunities in science, technology, engineering, mathematics, computing, and healthcare. Explore over 185 degree fields and find out about education requirements, salaries, networking, precollege ideas, and career planning resources. Browse interviews with hundreds of professionals who offer candid insight into their own diverse careers. Most resources are also as PowerPoint presentations and podcasts.

College Career Centers |

This site has information about careers with job descriptions. The information provided includes salaries, description of working environment, duties, responsibilities, etc.

It connects job seekers to jobs, has interview tips, resume tips, career center connections and tips on how to negotiate a salary.


Good for both students and job seekers.  The site has career descriptions, career tests, life-planning guides, college and financial aid tips.  Numerous links are included for students, counselors, parents, and employers.  This site has very cool tests for self assessments, great links and trends.

JobStar: Guides for Specific Careers

This site has information about career planning.  What kind of training or education is required?  What can you earn?  What’s hot, what’s not? It has advice on finding hidden jobs, salary information. There are personal job histories of people in careers and great advice.

Career Center: University of North Carolina Wilmington, UNCW

Career Services: What Can I Do With a Major In...?  This website provides information about various majors with an overview of majors including required skills, link to specific career sites, and organizations for the specified majors. 

Careers in Science and Engineering

This online guide helps students considering careers in science, engineering, and math. Secondary school students and undecided undergrads can use this guide to find practical suggestions for pursuing these careers.  Check out the career biographies and the self-assessments.

The Riley Guide

The site has a directory of employment and career information sources and services on the Internet. 

The Riley Guide is a directory of employment and career information sources and services on the Internet. It is primarily intended to provide instruction for job seekers on how to use the Internet to their best advantage, but recruiters and other career service industry professional will find information here to help them also.

Career Services | Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

The universities have some great career center websites.  This one has “Majors and Careers” - a Rutgers University’s career service which includes “Career Opportunities in…” series addressing career options for many university majors.  Each profile summarizes the major and lists related occupations, typical employers, and example of jobs obtained by recent and experience graduates.

CareerZone (New York State Department of Labor)

New York’s Career Zone is not just for New Yorkers.  It is a useful and free tool for accessing the Occupation Information Network, a comprehensive listing of occupations.  Information includes description of occupations, skills and knowledge required, as well as the job outlook.

O*NET Resource Center

O*NET is the nation’s primary source of information on occupational titles, and finds occupations job outlook data. O*NET can assist teachers and counselors with preparing adults or students for careers by providing tools to understand knowledge and skills needs for certain jobs.  This site has great links!

Occupational Outlook Handbook

This online version of the career handbook produced every two years by the U.S. Department of Labor provides information about specific occupations, including earnings, working conditions, training and education required, and future outlooks.  Also, check out the Occupational Outlook Quarterly, which provides current and practical information on jobs and careers.

The College Board

College Admissions - SAT - University and College Search Tool

Great general profiles/descriptions of over 700 majors and careers.  This is site is one of the best for all high school and college levels.


Career advice, descriptions of careers, industry trends.  Check out the “Real People” section.  You have to pay to see the entire interview, but you get enough of the interview to get the idea.  This site is also interesting because it links you to “Monstertrak” which shows job listing associated with various careers.  Even if you‘re not job hunting right now, you can get descriptions, location and salaries of prospective jobs in the field you’re exploring.

University of Washington: Choosing a Major

This is the University of Washington’s site dedicated to helping you start your search for the right major.  It does a good job of explaining how choosing a major can lead you to many different career options – not just one.  Some of the advice is specific to U of W’s on-campus students, but the general advice is good anywhere you are.

Skidmore College: After Skidmore

Skidmore College’s career website has links to professional associations, job boards and informational sites associated with various careers.  This section has suggestion of careers you can go into based on your college major.

A Classics student is equipped with verbal, analytical and research skills useful in managerial and executive positions. Classics is excellent training for law school and any career in which writing and analysis are essential. Classics majors can enroll in graduate programs, earn a Masters of Arts in Teaching, and find employment in public and private K-12 schools across the country.

The School to Careers: Career Search

This site contains videos and text interviews with professionals from a long list of careers.  Get a great idea of what it’s really like to work in a career.

The School to Careers project is supported by funds from a USDE Star Schools Grant. Enhanced Careers made possible through a generous grant provided by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.


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Guest Saturday, 01 March 2025



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