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business dress
Rejoining the Workforce?    Dress to get that job! It's time to shape up your wardrobe to show the best of what you offer to the workplace.   At this fabulous stage you bring maturity, confidence, organization, teamwork, and in...
By Stuart Hack In the world of career exploration we often find ourselves having to choose a career that will provide us with a decent living, leaving behind a hobby we enjoy. When we, at, work with students (and adult career explorer... image
How to Nail Every Type of Interview By Ira Daniels of Table of Contents Face-to-face interviews Phone Interviews Skype Interviews Group Interviews Panel Interviews Interview with a Recruiter Technical Interv...
RobbieK600  An N.Y.C Music Professional Updates! We caught up with Robbie Kleinberg, a music graduate of Indiana University. He shares how he prepared for his latest gig – “Professional Musician” and what it’s like...
So you want to be a writer?...How one man did it HIS way. "My Secrets on How I Became a Prolific Writer", by Vivek Wadhwa   
Hits: 2755 Comments
We’ve received many questions on how Linkedin and Facebook can be used for networking and job search. Carol, Benton and a few recruiters chat about the real difference between Linkedin and Facebook.   Bonus: In this article are...
Zager Campus shot smaller
Photo: Mary Zager It’s Job Fair Season and the Advisory Board shares their experiences as they joined their stiff competition in an effort to stand out and make the best impression attending Job Fairs on their campuses.   ...

Milana V. Kuznetsova is a graduate of the prestigious University of Miami Law School and Florida International University.  

Milana’s took some interesting and creative steps to carve out her own business idea using her skills, education, talent and initiative.  She is an excellent example of how today’s professionals are taking charge of their future in this challenging job market!


Can you share with us your educational background and the degrees you have earned?

I am equipped with a Bachelor of Science degree from Florida International University, having completed three programs in the three years I spent there: (1) Philosophy, (2) Criminal Justice, and (3) Professional Leadership Studies. I also hold a Juris Doctor degree from University of Miami School of Law.

Why did you choose this educational plan?

I had determined that I wanted to be a lawyer when I was a freshman in high school. Criminal law was my initial point of interest so I chose to pursue the study of criminal justice. In an effort to challenge my thought process, I elected the study of philosophy to practice non-traditional thinking to sharpen the skill of creative reasoning. The professional leadership studies avenue of study was fueled by my inborn curiosity of self-discovery and passion to help others unmask their individual skills, leading them to realize the method to the madness behind working as a harmonious unit under any circumstances or obstacles presented.

That’s great advice for choosing a school.  Many students choose largely on reputation.  There are many students out there considering law school.  Could you briefly describe the qualities you think made you successful at UM and in law school in general?

Well, it is important to acknowledge that law school is a very humbling experience. The traditional Socratic method of teaching can really chip away at one's confidence - if he or she allows. I believe a thirst for knowledge sets a strong foundation to welcome challenges and entertain such challenges to the benefit of personal and/or professional growth and development.

Meredith Crigler, Photographer   Watch the video interview Meet the Staff: Meredith Crigler from Smeraglia on Vimeo.
Hits: 7470 Comments

Benton Howie and Carol Horner Chat

Last week I was talking to a young sales professional who told me that her boyfriend, a computer science major, turned down an internship with IBM because it was unpaid. When I asked her if he absolutely needed the money, she said no, but that even though he knew it was a great opportunity, he still wanted to be paid.

That got me thinking about my opinion of paid vs. unpaid internships. In this very competitive labor market, the student who gains the most practical experience is the one with the most value to a prospective employer. Is it unreasonable to ask students to forgo a 2 or 3 month $12 or $15 an hour job for the chance to gain 2 or 3 months of great practical experience with a top prospective employer?

There is no substitute for experience directly related to the field you plan to enter after graduation. In fact, if you take an internship - you've already entered it. You now have experience to put on your resume. If money was not the issue, this student would have been well served to take the internship just for the experience with an employer as big as IBM.

In this economy, money may become more of an issue to more people. In that case, internships might be more difficult to accept. Factor in the additional earning power a student has after graduating with the internship on their resume. Was it worth working for free to gain experience which could lead to a higher starting salary or higher level position once landing that first career job?



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