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    Login Login form interviews Milana V. Kuznetsova

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Milana V. Kuznetsova is a graduate of the prestigious University of Miami Law School and Florida International University.  

Milana’s took some interesting and creative steps to carve out her own business idea using her skills, education, talent and initiative.  She is an excellent example of how today’s professionals are taking charge of their future in this challenging job market!


Can you share with us your educational background and the degrees you have earned?

I am equipped with a Bachelor of Science degree from Florida International University, having completed three programs in the three years I spent there: (1) Philosophy, (2) Criminal Justice, and (3) Professional Leadership Studies. I also hold a Juris Doctor degree from University of Miami School of Law.

Why did you choose this educational plan?

I had determined that I wanted to be a lawyer when I was a freshman in high school. Criminal law was my initial point of interest so I chose to pursue the study of criminal justice. In an effort to challenge my thought process, I elected the study of philosophy to practice non-traditional thinking to sharpen the skill of creative reasoning. The professional leadership studies avenue of study was fueled by my inborn curiosity of self-discovery and passion to help others unmask their individual skills, leading them to realize the method to the madness behind working as a harmonious unit under any circumstances or obstacles presented.

That’s great advice for choosing a school.  Many students choose largely on reputation.  There are many students out there considering law school.  Could you briefly describe the qualities you think made you successful at UM and in law school in general?

Well, it is important to acknowledge that law school is a very humbling experience. The traditional Socratic method of teaching can really chip away at one's confidence - if he or she allows. I believe a thirst for knowledge sets a strong foundation to welcome challenges and entertain such challenges to the benefit of personal and/or professional growth and development.

Upon graduation, what was your job search strategy - and did you wait until graduation to start looking? 

The job market today is a tough one. I was aggressively seeking permanent placement months prior to graduation. As part of my traditional job search plan, I found myself - equipped with a recommendation letter by my most recent employer and a strong writing sample - reaching out to my networks for interviews.

When you actually found yourself out in the job market, were you able to carry out your job search plan or did conditions change it?

Well, shortly thereafter, I found that going through the traditional motions of interviewing began interfering with what I had originally begun as a side project during the job hunt. At that point, it was time to take a leap of faith. I chose to take the reins into my own hands and self-employ myself, full-time, with what has now become a rapidly growing legal software development company.

My parents have always told me, "One thing that no one can ever take away from you is your education." In a tough job market, who is to say what your degree is worth - well, whatever an employer is willing to pay, right? Wrong. I strongly believe it is what you do with it. I encourage others to take it upon themselves to stand up in the face of adversity and put a value on the experience and the education they secured by finding a creative way to apply the acquired skills.

Can you describe this side project you mention and how it motivated you to develop your business concept?  What service does it provide?

LegalFile, the "side project" at that time, was originally fueled by an idea to help attorneys stay organized. In talking to friends and colleagues about the project underway, it was accented to me that I was, in fact, working to replace the traditional legal briefcase with a technology-based solution. I was eager to provide attorneys greater mobility in their practice all the while ensuring a profitable return on work product and time management.

As the time devoted to the development of the idea increased, so did the demand for assistance in the development of what was then beginning to function as a traditionally defined "business" in the USA. Today, we are in active operation working to serve the legal industry by facilitating virtual access to case documents. With LegalFile for iPad, law practitioners and case mangers have every case in the palm of their hand, so to speak. LegalFile for iPad is an interactive app offering templates, storage, email, contact integration, and much more. In other words, LegalFile for iPad is an app that is an electronic legal document management system that reduces paper waste and allows for attorneys to do away with heavy box loads that would traditionally accompany them to a courtroom.

Do you feel like you received support from the professional community, the government and other sources to support your efforts to start a business out of your ideas?

Family and friends have played a key role in bringing LegalFile to its users. Without their continuous support, I cannot imagine LegalFile to have picked up such rapidity in development and distribution as it has. The professional community has also been extremely receptive to the vision of LegalFile! Exposure by word of mouth from the professional community helped LegalFile gain recognition and attract individuals wanting to become a part of the LegalFile vision. The government's venture called Start-Up America has allowed promising opportunities in strategic partnership for LegalFile through their recently held Start-Up Florida Anniversary Celebration, held in Miami, Florida.

Milana - Thank you for sharing your inspiring journey with our readers.  
Good luck with your venture!


Milana V. Kuznetsova is the Founder and CEO of ESENEM.

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