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How My Sports Fix Led Me to Success

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By Stuart Hack

In the world of career exploration we often find ourselves having to choose a career that will provide us with a decent living, leaving behind a hobby we enjoy. When we, at, work with students (and adult career explorers) we have a special form we use just for this purpose. We challenge our clients to make a conscious decision to incorporate what they love to do into their every-day career/jobs. And make sure they make a place in their life for their hobbies too (all the other stuff they love to do but can't make money doing). Stuart Hack, owner of his own successful accounting firm, gives us his perspective on how he found his career, and his sense of enjoyment through his most favorite interest - sports.

When I was a kid (back in the day when you started your car with your feet), I wanted to play shortstop for the New York Mets. After my first year in Little League, I decided I was more suited to be their statistician.

Growing up my two passions were Sports and Numbers. I went to a High School in New York City that specialized in Math and Science. The one club I joined was the Strat-O-Matic Baseball Group. Strat-O-Matic is a board and/or computer game based on actual statistics.

As an undergrad in college, I majored in Mathematics. I also joined the college radio station as a sportscaster as well as doing play-by-play for the football and basketball teams. I continued to do this when I was in graduate school as I was pursuing my Masters in Accounting.

Once I graduated I went to work for small and medium sized accounting firms. My sports fix came in the form of Fantasy Leagues.

Today I have my own practice however some of my oldest and dearest friends have come from my sports hobbies.

My advice to those of you who are in high school or even starting college is to join a group or club that peaks your interest even if it isn’t in your major. You may discover a new talent but at the very least you will make friends that will last you a lifetime.

Now I have to soak my feet so I can start my car.

Stuart A. Hack is Managing Member of Hack Tax and Accounting Services located in Wellington Florida. He can be reached at


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