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Explore Being a Photographer with Debbie Bartlett

cz: Briefly describe your job.

I am a professional photographer specializing in weddings and families, Mom and Baby, Maternity and High School Seniors.

cz: How long have you been working in this field?

I have been a professional for eighteen years. I was a devoted amateur for twenty years prior to that.

cz: When and how did you decide to choose this career?

Immediately after my wedding I decided to be a professional. My husband and I had a heartbreaking experience with our own wedding pictures and I felt at the time that I was capable of much better work than I had personally received.

cz: What education and training did you receive before entering your field?

I had only taken two courses related to photography in college since I had actually earned a Social Science degree in preparation to be a secondary teacher. Since I had started years ago, I have traveled extensively around the nation to study under some of the nation’s best photographers.

cz: How did you begin OR what was your first job in the field?

In middle school and high school I was on the newspaper and yearbook staffs. In college, I was the “back-up” photographer for my girlfriends’ weddings.

cz: Describe a typical day on the job?

I work out of my home. My phone starts ringing at 9:00 A.M. I might have client inquiries and I will mail out pricing information regarding a wedding or portraiture. I might meet with several clients for a consultation or a re-order or a sales session. I work several hours on ordering or album assembly throughout the day. I might go on location for an environmental portrait session or a wedding.

cz: What do you like most about what you do?

Each day is ENTIRELY different. The clients are different. On most occasions the settings are completely different. I LOVE being with people and especially children. I do a lot of children portraiture which is one of the brightest aspects of my job.

cz: What has been the most rewarding experience so far in your career?

The paychecks are great but the spontaneous tears of joy from my clients or the parents of clients upon seeing my work are the most rewarding moments. I ALWAYS make sure I am in their presence as they see how I have photographed their child or what a breathtaking bride they are.

cz: What do you like least about your job?

The grunt work, doing the ordering or paperwork. Working with the public and some overindulged brides can be stressful at times. Dealing with deadlines and setbacks.

cz: What is the biggest challenge for you in this job?

Weekend photographers that are cut-throat undercut you and give their film away. When the economy is tough people are looking for a deal and will compromise quality for cost.

cz: What would you like to say to someone considering this career?

Do not quit your day job. Many people think because they have a great camera they can be a photographer. WRONG!!! It is a multi-faceted career which takes years to perfect.

cz: What are the most important personal and professional skills necessary to succeed in your field?

You must be creative. You must make your work stand out from your competitors. You must be patient and be a people person. Children and ADULTS do not always cooperate on command. You must be adaptable.

cz: What would a person interested in entering this field have to do to get a good job in it?

Study under the best photographers. Read a lot. Practice on friends and relatives. Apprentice under an established photographer if you have the opportunity.

cz: What could someone who is interested in this field do to learn more about it right now?

Start some of the things stated above.

cz: Is there any general advice you would like to offer to students on making a career choice or on work life itself?

Being in my field is a blast. You can do it in any locale. You can do it for years and even into retirement. Good luck!!!

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