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Aptitude and Career Testing

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Enneagram Personality Dynamics (

The Enneagram is a system for understanding our personalities.  You can take the test to determine your own personality type and clarify career choices.  The site offers in-depth information on the Enneagram.

Bowling Green State University | Career Center

A site from Bowling Green State University, the Career Planning/Competency Model encourages individuals to explore and gather information that enables them to gain competencies, make decisions, set goals and take action.  There are five steps in this process, and each one has an interactive set of quizzes to help you understand them.

The Princeton Review: Career Profile

Contains a twenty-four questions quiz.  After you answer the questions, you are linked to careers that match your profile.

About The Princeton Review - Founded in 1981, The Princeton Review has long been a leader in helping college and graduate school–bound students achieve their higher-education goals through our test-preparation services, tutoring and admissions resources, as well as through online courses and resources and print and digital books. We deliver our programs via a network of more than 5,000 teachers and tutors in the U.S., Canada and international franchises. We also partner with schools and guidance counselors worldwide to help provide students with college-readiness, test-preparation and career-planning services.

The Career Key

Career Key provides a personality and interest inventory, based on the work of John Holland, then lists careers that match.  Lists of job titles are linked to the Occupational Outlook Handbook, which gives in-depth career profiles.  Another section has advice on how to make good career decisions.  Also included is a special version designed for middle school students.

ACT: World-of-Work Map

This is a very cool way to match your personality type with a career idea.  Using John Holland’s 6 personality types, the site contains a wheel containing traits and connecting them to careers.  Great way to get started!


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