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Cool Math Careers

Do you love all things related to math but don't know what to do with your amazing talents?  Check out this site.  If your eyes don't go crazy following the floating numbers on the home page, check out all the great career applications for math geeks!  

Engineer Your Life

This site is geared toward high school girls exploring the possibility of making a difference as an engineer.  There are career stories and informative explanations of different options within the field. 

Life of an Engineer

Here’s another site dedicated to the engineering world.  Both students and professionals share their personal stories and experiences.  Ask an expert with the interactive Q&A and discover a very easy to use tool to find the best universities for your engineering interests.

U.S. Department of Education: OCR : Know Your Rights

Students with Disabilities Preparing for Postsecondary Education:

Know Your Rights and Responsibilities: If you are a student with a disability, you need to be well informed about your rights as well as the responsibilities that postsecondary schools have to you.  From this site, you can download a brochure that describes your rights & responsibilities as a student.  There is also a helpful Q&A section available.

EIMS Employment Center

For those of you interested in studying math but not sure what kind of work you would do after graduating, here’s a site that has job listings for math majors at all levels of education.  Even though you may not be looking for a job now, you can see what kinds of jobs you could get if you were to get a degree in math.  Now’s the time to evaluate if you want to do the kind of work available in that field.

The National Academy of Sciences: EngineerGirl!

We like this site because it connects you to the professional society sites specific to the field you want to explore.  We also like that it encourages girls to explore the wonderful field of engineering!

The EngineerGirl website is a service of the National Academy of Engineering (NAE).  It grew out of the work of the Committee on the Diversity of the Engineering Workforce, and was launched in February of 2001. The EngineerGirl website is part of an NAE project to bring national attention to the opportunity that engineering represents to all people at any age, but particularly to women and girls. Bright, energetic girls from all around United States and Canada helped the NAE with the initial development of this site by serving on the Girls Advisory Board.  The ongoing work of the site is overseen by the EngineerGirl Steering Committee.

Today's Military

This site contains career information for all branches of the military.

Joining the Military is a big decision, and one we hope will inspire discussion among family, friends and trusted advisors. While not meant as a source of current military news, the information on this site will help you carefully weigh the opportunities and benefits service has to offer.

Check out the sections on personal finance, beyond high school, and career options, with an emphasis on military opportunities.  The Career Toolbox section provides advice on cover letters, resumes and interviews. Check out the Work Interest Quiz, which suggests career ideas based on preferred activities. 

EEK! Career Zones

This site helps young people understand the changing world of technology.  It is targeted to middle and high school aged kids and educators but those beyond H.S. should check it out too. Everything is free and the resources are vast.  This site has streaming video of many career and technology related topics. For more educational services from Wisconsin DNR visit

Institute of Industrial Engineers

Official website for the Institute for Industrial Engineers – check out the cool Disney video on it.

Institute of Industrial Engineers is the world’s largest professional society dedicated solely to the support of the industrial engineering profession and individuals involved with improving quality and productivity. Founded in 1948, IIE is an international, nonprofit association that provides leadership for the application, education, training, research, and development of industrial engineering.

Mission: To provide knowledge, training, networking opportunities and recognition to enhance the skills and effectiveness of the industrial engineering profession and those individuals involved with improving quality and productivity.

Vision: To be the premier organization that advances, promotes and unites the industrial and systems engineering profession worldwide.

Access Excellence at The National Health Museum

All things related to the field of biotechnology.  This site has the latest trends in the industry and interviews with professionals.  It’s great for students and educators.

Access Excellence, launched in 1993, is a national educational program that provides health, biology and life science teachers access to their colleagues, scientists, and critical sources of new scientific information via the World Wide Web. The program was originally developed and launched by Genentech Inc., and in 1999 joined the National Health Museum, a non-profit organization founded by former U.S. Surgeon General C. Everett Koop as a national center for health education. Access Excellence will form the core of the educational component of the National Health Museum Website that is currently under development.


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